
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Havarti Egg Griller

This is a great little sandwich for lunch to have with Brocoli Cheese Soup.

What you need:
1 sandwich thin (or two pieces of bread)
1 egg
2 tablespoons light mayo
1 slice light Havarti Cheese (or whatever you got)
2 slices bacon, cooked (I left this out)
1 slice of tomato (I left this out)
Spray butter

What you need to do:
Heat skillet to mediumish heat. Once its hot, spray w/Pam and crack egg on skillet. Cook egg however you like it. This one is over hard. Meanwhile, spread mayo on inside of both slices of bread, layer with bacon, cooked egg, cheese, tomato and top with other slice of bread. Spray tops of bread with spray butter and grill on skillet just like a grilled cheese. Cooks fast. Its really good!!

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