
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bacon & Egg Cheeseburger

O.M.G..... I'm never going to lose weight while I am blogging. Tommy is a huge help and made dinner so I'd have something to blog, and I came home to this cheeseburger and Paula Deen tomato grits (which are also absolutely amazing). I tried my hardest to only eat half of this but it was impossible.

What you need:
Quarter pound of ground beef
1 egg
1 slice of pepper jack cheese (or whatever you like)
2 slices of bacon
1 hamburger bun
1 slice of tomato
1 tablespoon mayo
Garlic Powder
1/2 teaspoon Worchestershire Sauce

What you need to do:
Heat grill to medium high. Season the beef with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and worchestershire. Mash the beef into a flat patty. Grill until desired doneness, adding cheese at the end so it melts on the burger. While grilling, cut bacon into 4 small strips and pan fry on medium heat. Cook the egg in the same pan so it takes in some of the bacon drippings.

This is probably the most fattening thing you will ever eat, but it is so good. The saltiness of the bacon, and the spice of the pepperjack, and the fried egg just go so well together.

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