
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Crescent Wrapped Meatballs

You can probably guess how to make these just by the title, and yes it is just that easy. Dudes love these things. And they really coudln't be easier. You will want to double this for sure.

What you need:
1 bag precooked frozen meatballs (I think it has 14-16 meatballs)
1 can crescent roll dough (the one that makes 8 crescent rolls)
Pasta Sauce for dipping

Thaw the meatballs (I just put them in the fridge overnight the night before). Roll out crescent roll dough and cut each triangle into two triangles, so that you have 16 triangles of crescent dough. Wrap 1 triangle around each meatball and bake according to dough directions. Serve with pasta sauce for dipping.

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